You've seen the Samsung Fingers and the Emoji Translator, and I know you spent a good part of the day catching Pokémon, but now that April Fool's Day is officially upon us, the flood of gags has reached a tipping point. Here's the best of what we've seen today.
First, you will need a gallon of milk that's about a quarter full. It's best if you empty out the contents, but make sure to save it though because you will be needing it later.
We've gathered some of our favorite pranks with the seasonally appropriate for all you college kids out there. You're more than likely cohabitating with a complete stranger, and what better way to make a good first impression and develop a strong personal relationship than subject them to a hilarious prank?
This prank has it all. It's easy to do, requires few materials, won't cause physical harm to anyone or anything (hopefully), and will absolutely terrify your victim while amusing you for days. All you need is a securely passed-out person and a big box (flat piece of plywood optional). You cut out one side of the box so that it will cover the sleeping person like a coffin, then pound on the top to wake them. They will likely think that they have been buried alive and flip out like the guy in...
These days, pennies are useless when it comes to buying things, and that's why Canada doesn't even have any anymore. But, there are a lot of cool things you can do with those worthless pennies, and what's better than a good old-fashioned prank?
This how-to video shows a way to rig an ordinary pen to give an unsuspecting victim an electric shock whenever they click it open. To pull of this practical joke you will need a pen and a lighter. Follow along with the steps in this pranking tutorial and learn how to build this shocking pen. You'll have hours of endless fun doing the electric pen joke on your friends. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks!
The fridge is one of the most excruciating things to clean, so it makes the perfect target on April Fool's Day. For this prank, just fill up a water balloon with whatever you want, lay it softly in one of the shelves on the door, and close the door with the untied end of the balloon stretched out so that the door will close and seal it. When your victim opens the fridge, it'll explode all over them. Simple and effective. Watch to see exactly how it works.
April Fool's has come early, with an update for Google's Maps application for both Android and iOS that's geared towards finding their next big hire: Pokémon Master.
First, they came for our Poké it's an emoji takeover. Adding to the flurry of Google related April Fool's Day jokes, Chrome for Android and iOS has a new hidden functionality: translating the web to emoji!
Kipkay shows you how to make a magic lightbulb like the magicians use. Great practical joke or prank. All you need is a couple of lightbulbs, an LED and some batteries.
Looking for a new way to torment your housemates? Check out this how to video to learn the secret of the bloody powder prank—it's perfect for April Fool's Day. You'll learn how to make a blood red powder that can make a terrifying mess anywhere you put it—someone's toothbrush is particularly effective.
Remember when the whoopee cushion was the epitome of a good office prank? Seriously, when was the last time you've actually seen a whoopee cushion? It's a shame when a classic prank fades into the shadows like a fart in a dungeon.
Most use wireless computer mice these days for their computers, but there are still people stuck on wired optical mice, especially in an office environment. Those people are our targets. As pranking someone's computer may be frowned on, peripherals are fair game, and this prank from Kipkay takes their wired optical computer mouse and turns it into a foul-smelling smoke machine.
Ever wonder how to get out of doing the things you don't want to do? Work, relationships, and simply driving in traffic can make you so tired that you're asleep on your feet. Not any more!
Latest sneeze prank video, from professional pranksters over at DM Pranks Productions. This is a followup from the epic "sneeze prank gone wrong" I posted last week. Check this out, simply amazing!
The idea behind this sneeze prank was brilliant, the only problem is this guys got busted BIG TIME... and this hot blooded Italian guy got back at them, with a vengeance. this is possibly the funniest epic fail seen in a reaaaaaally long time!
The very first text message was sent on December 3rd, 1992 by Neil Papworth, an engineer for Vodafone, and it simply said "Merry Christmas." He may have jumped the gun on the whole Christmas thing, but you trying coming up with the first text message in history!
With a little set-up, you can surprise and unsuspecting victim with an explosive envelope. When they try to pull out the envelopes contents a loud pop is sure to freak them out. You will need an envelope, a party popper, and two pieces of cardboard. Watch this video pranking tutorial and learn how to do an exploding envelope practical joke. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks!
Know someone that's terrified of rats? This twitching dead rat prank is perfect for you then. Great for Halloween or April Fool's Day. You just need a stuffed rat, a rattrap, vibration motor, AAA battery holder with batteries, and a piece of straw. Oh, and fake blood, too!
Zip ties are wonderful little creatures. They can do all types of duties, and they come in all shapes and sizes. But for this gag, you'll want to get the biggest and longest zip ties you can find!
We've all seen how Diet Coke explodes when you put Mentos in it, but Gianny L has a way to rig a bottle of Diet Coke so that it explodes when you unscrew the cap—the perfect prank!
This how-to video shows a practical joke that is super easy to do and no one will be able to trace it back to you. Prank someone and ruin their meal by rigging the microwave with a surprise egg. Follow along with this practical joke how-to video to learn how to pull off the exploding egg in the microwave prank. All you really need for this prank is a microwave, tape and an egg. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to play the egg in the microwave prank. Use this as inspiration for one of...
This is an awesome joke you can do on an unsuspecting friend or coworker. Learn how to pull a soda prank using Mentos ice cubes. Watch this practical joke how-to video to find out how to carry out the soda prank on someone using a Mentos frozen ice cube and soda. Everyone loves a cold cup of soda, so they won't be able to resist some frozen ice cubes rigged with Mentos inside. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks!
Here's a trick that has the potential to creep anyone out. Watch this practical joke how-to video to learn how to write a hidden message on a mirror. Use anti-fog solution and a q-tip to write a secret message on a mirror to scare someone coming out of the shower. You'll have loads of fun with this practical joke. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks!
Watch this how-to video from the hidden camera series, "Do Unto Others," as Justin Heimberg demonstrates the best ways to prank people using your cell phone.
Kipkay has developed a shoplifting prank, and all you need is a little electromagnetic strip to play this prank at Walmart (or wherever). You also need to bring a magnet. You swipe the strip thirty times with the magnet and this will actually magnetize the strip. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks!
For this office prank, you'll need a pen, rubber band, marker, crazy glue and some fake blood. The first thing you'll need to do is take the pen apart and get rid of the ink. Next, you'll need to attach the rubber band to the pen cap. Watch the full instructions from Nextraker to see what comes next for this bloody pen prank.
If you've been in college for more than a week and don't have the extreme good fortune of having your own room, you've probably seen a used condom that you really could have lived without seeing. Perhaps you even know someone who has a leaving used condoms out problem. Well, now you've found the perfect way to get back at them.
A sleeping prank victim is much easier to deal with than an awake one. They can't prevent the prank, and afterwards are usually too disoriented to respond violently with any effectiveness. This video will show you several pranks to play on sleeping victims, some of which you've probably seen before and a couple we're betting you haven't.
In one way, this seem more like an artistic sculpture than a silly prank, but unless you're making food and drink art, this will always be a prank. Learn the spilled coffee prank, outlined in this how-to, which involves a little bit of Elmer's Glue. Place this over someone's secret and important documents, and they'll absolutely go apeshit!
Call it what you will—puke, vomit, upchuck, barf, regurgitation—no matter what it's called, it always has the same sickening effect on people when they see it. Sometime it's like a yawn and can be contagious. That's what makes this the perfect prank, but there's no need to stick your finger down your throat! You can mold some fake vomit with this how-to video.
Here are three different methods you can use to make a stink bomb prank from things you can find around the house—just a pack of matches, an empty plastic soda bottle, and some household ammonia. Mix the tips of the matches with the ammonia and let it sit for three or four days, then stink it up!
There are a lot of ways to booby trap a door, but this one might be one of the least offensive and most terrifying. This video will teach you how party poppers and a napkin will allow you to scare your friends without soaking anything in water or smashing someone's face.
The idea of blood pouring from a shower is terrifying, which makes it a great premise for a prank. This video will teach you how only an Easter egg-dying kit and a shower head can turn into an awesome bloody shower prank.
There are a million things you can do with a few sheets of paper, from classics like an origami crane to a paper version of PSY that dances Gangnam Style, or even an M16 assault rifle. There's not much you can't make with paper.
There's absolutely nothing better than seeing the look of pure and utter shock on someone's face, and that is why I absolutely love this. It is by far one of the best pranks ever, and one of the best videos that I've seen in a while. Seriously. If you've ever used the drive-thru, you've gotta watch this.
Even though it seems like forever, the phenomenon of "rickrolling" has only been around since 2007. It was started as an inside joke by a 19-year-old who just wanted to troll his buddies, but ended up becoming one of the Internet's most popular memes with over 66 million views (as of this writing).
Earlier this week, we learned that you can get people to put more money in a tip jar simply by drawing eyes on it. But what if you want to keep them away from something? Eyes can do that, too, especially when they're Putin's.
Everyone is drawn to a box of pizza- the possibility of fresh, hot, cheesy goodness is simply too great to be ignored. So if you are looking to pull a prank on someone, the pizza box is the perfect lure.
There's never a bad time to pull a prank on someone, right? Well, how about you consider setting up this prank during lunchtime? Next time you see a co-worker leave his/her takeout food unattended, that's when you'll strike. Follow the simple steps below and you'll be known as the master prankster at work.
Do you have a friend who's a vegetarian? Well, this prank is perfect for them. It's pretty simple, where the objective is to tamper with their favorite bottle of salad dressing, and no... it's not the loosened cap prank, but it does have a similar result.
Improv Everywhere's 10th annual no-pants subway ride gave 10,000 New Yorkers an excuse to ride the tubes in their skivvies this month. Good, but not as good as last year's April Fools faux-genital baring ride. Scroll below the video of the NYC ride to see other participating cities around the world.
If you've ever had to call a large communications company with a customer service issue, you've most likely experienced the hopelessly not-at-all helpful operator from hell. Thanks to a program on VRT Belgium, you can now experience a small sense of vengeance for tortured customers everywhere.
The idea is to trick your roommate into opening a can of oatmeal that will be booby-trapped. The outcome will be hilarious, considering your roommate doesn't punch you in the face.
Easter isn't the typical occasion for pranking your friends, co-workers, or boss (if you dare). But this Easter egg-inspired prank by Redditor cheesewing is pretty ingenious, and handing out chocolate eggs any other day of the year might raise some suspicion.
All you need is a regular mechanical pencil and a bunch of staples. Then follow this short tutorial and learn how to turn your basic pencil into a staple-shooting gun. Make sure the pencil you choose can easily have the cap screwed off.
Toilets are some of the best prank aides, and this video will teach you a novel way to use them. All you do is connect the hose that fills the tank with water to another longer hose, then run it to under the sink and attach it in a position to spray outward. Then wait for your victim to flush.
Blue martini mix can make any party more festive and ravey, but can also be used for this great prank. Watch the video for a guide to using food coloring and blue martini mix to dye the mouths of martini drinkers blue for hours. Great fun.
Many modern American women are fixated on cutely-shaped and fun-smelling soaps. Take advantage of that fixation by watching this video and then using a make-your-own-soap kit to make soaps that look exactly like chocolates. Then trick someone into taking a bite. Hilarious.
Wasabi and Guacamole are two of the best condiments on Earth, and could even be great combined. But not in these proportions. This video will show you how to pull an awesome prank on someone with only three tubes of Wasabi and some Guacamole.
Icy-Hot has relieved and caused intense pain for decades, and this is one of the best Icy-Hot pranks we've ever seen. All you need is a victim who uses body wash regularly, some Icy-Hot, and a desire to cause someone intense but not long-term harmful pain.
Girls around the world bemoan their boyfriends constantly stealing their shampoo when they run out, and now it's time for payback. This video demonstrates a hair bleach and shampoo prank that will devastate dark-haired shampoo-stealers.
For some reason most women favor white creamy deodorants. This is a disadvantage for women with prank-happy roommates and significant others who have seen this video. It will teach you how to pull the cream cheese pits prank by replacing someone's deodorant with cream cheese.
For this tutorial, you will need the stapler you intend to booby trap and then a few paper party snaps. Open the stapler and put one or two party snaps inside. Then just sit back and wait for someone to come by and use the stapler!
It's been done before, but this Mentos and Diet Coke prank never gets old! Really— who knew those Mentos fresh mints and some acidic Diet Coke could create such an explosion? Astonishing.