Practical Jokes & Pranks Features

How To: Do an egg in the door prank

The materials you will need for this rank are an egg, and a door, and a foolish person. You should pretend that you are doing a magic trick and then get them to hold the egg through the crack in the door. If all goes well, they will be stuck holding the egg for a long time. This is a great prank for family members. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks!

How To: Make Fake Vomit

Talk about something that's fun for all ages! Make people upchuck for real with this gag recipe. You will need a frying pan, a quarter cup of applesauce, a package of unflavored gelatin, a pinch or two of powdered cocoa, a package of instant oatmeal with apple chunks, carrot bits, a chunk of light tuna, and creamed corn. Watch this video pranking tutorial and learn how to make fake vomit for a classic practical joke. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks!

How To: Prank Your Bad Mouth Friends with Teeth-Whitening Oreo Cookies

Ah, the art of the April Fool's prank. If you're a dedicated prankster, you probably already know who you're going to get on the big day. But if you're still searching for a prank to pull, never fear—we've got one that's pretty easy to execute and is guaranteed to get reactions. Those Oreo cookies look irresistible, right? Unless you're on a strict no-chocolate diet, you wouldn't be able to help yourself from shoving those in your mouth—and that's where the fun comes in.

How To: Nugget a backpack

Nuggeting is a popular craze hitting schools everywhere. It involves stealing a backpack, removing the contents, turning it inside out, and replacing the contents. The victim will soon find that their backpack has been turned in to a "nugget." This is a great prank for the school classroom. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks!

How To: Pull some funny pranks at the drive-thru window

Do you find the drive-thru dining experience at the modern American fast-food restaurant frustrating? Do you want to get back at the drive-thru establishment and have some fun at the same time? This video will show you some hilarious pranks that you can perform when ordering at the drive-thru window, creating a laugh riot for yourself, your passengers, and, hopefully, the fast-food employee as well. Prank on!

How To: Pull the ice cold water in the hot shower prank

There are few things more relaxing than a hot shower after a long hard day of toil, and there are few times when people are so vulnerable or oblivious to the possibility of a little practical joke. A splash of almost freezing water will feel even colder within the warm security of a good shower. Watch this video pranking tutorial and learn how to ruin someone's hot shower with a hit of ice water. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks!

How To: Do the snow freezer prank

Got access to someone's kitchen and want to mess with them just a little? Prank someone's freezer, without doing any serious damage. Learn how to pull off this snow in the freezer trick by watching this prank-making video tutorial. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks!

How To: Prank Someone with an Exploding Water Balloon in the Fridge

The fridge is one of the most excruciating things to clean, so it makes the perfect target on April Fool's Day. For this prank, just fill up a water balloon with whatever you want, lay it softly in one of the shelves on the door, and close the door with the untied end of the balloon stretched out so that the door will close and seal it. When your victim opens the fridge, it'll explode all over them. Simple and effective. Watch to see exactly how it works.

How To: Use magnets to stick things to the roof of someone's car for a prank

The prank is one of the most cherished traditional forms of expression around the world, from Japan to the Middle East to the good ol' US of A. Without them, how would people settle their disputes with one another while having a good laugh at the same time? Every time a new phenomenon enters our lives, new pranks emerge that can be performed with it. We at Wonderhowto love pranks as much as anybody, and to that end we've scoured the internet for videos demonstrating the proper setup and execu...

How To: Create convincing, but utterly fake, UFO photographs and videos

Aliens… do they exist? Can anyone say for sure? No, but some do swear of their existence, and some swear on a more personal level, although some say that alien abductions are going a little "too" far in proving aliens exist. But a more common staple of proof of aliens are UFOs, or Unidentified Flying Objects. UFOs have been sighted all over the world, even by the military and NASA, so who's to say they're fake? I guess you, especially if you're the culprit behind it…

How To: Make a horrible smelling stink bomb

Learn how to make a horrible smelling stink bomb from this video in simple steps. You will need a newspaper, elastic, 2 sparklers and some cat hair. First put the cat hair in the newspaper. Crush a sparkler into powder and add it to the newspaper. Roll the newspaper and tie it up using the elastic. Now attach the other sparkler to the paper. Finally ignite the sparkler and throw your stink bomb to test it.