Practical Jokes & Pranks Features

How To: Screw with and prank people at the gym

If you're a regular gym-goer, you see a lot of strange things and people. Perhaps you've even seen someone pulling one of these pranks and wondered, "Why is this guy giving me a spot yelling about the Bible?" There's a good chance you were being messed with. Now is your chance to try out messing with people at the gym yourself. This video will teach you a bunch of great ways to prank exercisers without additional equipment or setup. Brilliant!

How To: Prank and screw with people in the bathroom

When someone uses a public restroom (former Idaho Representatives aside) they expect a degree of separation, the ability to wander in and move through the experience taking as little notice of their fellow excretors. Why not interrupt that flow and make some people cringe? This video will show you how to pull some great pranks while using a public bathroom. You could probably give someone hang-ups for a long time if you try some of these on the right person.

How To: Prank people at the grocery store

No one likes having their food messed with. That makes it all the more fun to do so right? This video will show you some fun pranks that you can pull to mess with the food of your friends and neighbors. They include making surprise disgusting layer dip and ordering unusual combinations of items at the grocery store, but are all freakin' hilarious and require relatively little setup or risk.

How To: Pull Off the Greatest Cup Prank Ever

This could quite possibly be the easiest and funniest prank you could ever pull off on someone, all you need is a cup, straw, and lid. It is so unpredictable, No one will ever suspect a thing till they're completely wet. Find out how to execute this Funny prank by watching this video. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks!

How To: Cast aluminum at home

Here is a cool way to cast some custom designed items out of aluminum. Be careful this is extremely dangerous, when cooled down, use a spoon to take out the cooled metal and use jaws to put it under water. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks!

How To: Prank someone by changing their cell phone numbers

If you want to cause one of your friends some extreme discomfort and possibly ostracization, try doing this to them! This video will explain a simple prank that you can pull when one of your friends / enemies leaves their cell phone unattended in your presence. I won't give it away, but they are sure to feel the wrath of this one and will not be able to blame it on your concretely. Brilliant!

How To: Make someone think you broke a glass

This how-to video will teach you how you can create a sound effect much like that of breaking glass. You can make your unsuspecting victim think that you broke a glass or that you broke something made of glass with this handy instructional video. This trick uses a coffee mug, plastic wrap, and a key. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks!

How To: Fake your death online

Tired of the same old boring things on the internet. Learn how to fool everyone and fake your own death. Through careful planning you too can join the likes of Elvis, Bigfoot, and Nessie the Lockness Monster. Fake your death online and have a grand ole time fooling all of the people that know you. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks! Fake your death online.

How To: Prank Your Teacher on April Fool's Day

In this simple tutorial, you'll learn how to easily set up a prank on your teacher in class for April Fool's Day. If you're looking for a simple yet effective prank to pull on your teacher on April 1st, why not try this one? All you pretty much need is black shoe polish and access to your teacher's dry board eraser. The rest is easy.

How To: Make a prank ketchup bomb for school or at home

This video pranking tutorial shows how to make a ketchup bomb out of ketchup and aluminum foil. The ketchup bomb will explode on contact with the target and make a sticky, staining, red mess. It's easy to make the ketchup bomb during lunch, saving the practical joke for whenever you're ready to strike. Learn how to make a ketchup bomb by watching this instructional video. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks!

How To: Make your urine glow

Check out this how-to video to make your urine glow under black light. Freak out your friends with your radioactive pee! To make your urine glow, make sure you take the proper amount of vitamin b complex--just watch the video! Take one or two. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks!

How To: Gleek or lizard spit

Little boy demonstrate simple steps on how to gleek in three easy steps. As viewed on the video, the boy mention the use of a yellow string to help in his demonstration- First is to touch the tip of the tongue at the bottom of the mouth where the yellow string is placed- Touch the tongue at the roof of the mouth- Force the air out of the mouth like what happen when you force a yawn, make sure that the mouth is open as you do, for the spit not to hit your teeth

How To: Mess with the head of your new roommate with pranks

When a new roommate moves into a house, there's usually a transitional period before everyone feels comfortable with each other. This is always hardest for the new guy, and if you have someone new in your apartment, why not make the move-in experience more memorable by giving them a great impression of their new roommate? This video will give you some ideas for hilarious pranks to mess with your new roommate without resorting to the traditional breaking of their possessions or bones. It's all...

How To: Set up a faucet sprayer for a prank

This trick is really simple, as long as you have the necessary equipment to set it up. The main thing you need is a sink that has one of those dish sprayers that work automatically if they're being squeezed. Then, just wrap invisible tape around it to keep it engaged, and wait for your victim to try and use the sink. They're most likely in for a spray to the crotch.