Practical Jokes & Pranks Features

How To: The Milk Gallon Pranks

With just a piece of tape you can easily bobby trap a gallon of milk, you'll also need a cutting too but nothing more. The end result will either leave your friend wet or having to clean up a big mess on the table. Refer to the instructional video for further instructions!

How To: Pull tricks and pranks on patrons at a pool or billiard hall

The pool hall is one of the most traditional places to meet and socialize with others in both East and West. If your crappy pool skills keep you from enjoying your time out at the pool hall properly, try pulling some of these pranks on people better than you! They range from the extremely simple beat-me-without-scratching gambit and other tricks that defy convenient naming but are hilarious and involve both pool and beer.

How To: 3 Ways to Consecutively Prank Your Roommate

There's nothing funnier than pulling off a successful prank, and here are 3 simple pranks you can set up on your roommate using their body spray. What sets these pranks apart from others is they they will be done back to back to back, meaning you can actually get your victim to fall for these 3 pranks consecutively in order to be able to use their deodorant.

How To: Pull a decoy trip wire and lotion-on-the-floor prank

Creating traps around the house to injure and amuse friends and roommates is one of the best and most common ways of performing a prank. In this video, you will learn how to turn one overused household prank as a decoy for a more insidious one. First, you stretch an obvious decoy trip wire across a part of your house with a hard floor, preferably tile. Then you grease (with butter, lotion...) the floor on the other side of the wire from where you expect your victim to enter. Then watch as the...

How To: Booby Trap a Clip Board at School or the Office!

Work and School can be boring at times, that's why we do what we can to keep ourselves entertained. So I decided to come up with this funny prank so you can make school or work fun again. You will need a water balloon and someone's clipboard which contains important documents! This is a very mean prank and can definitely get you in trouble so make sure you know what you're doing. Watch the video tutorial provided to get an idea of how to pull this off.

How To: Pull a super easy upside-down Gatorade prank

Think Nextraker's pranks are too hard? Then he's got the perfect prank for you— the Gatorade prank. He calls it the "upside-down Gatorade prank". This is by far one of the easiest gags ever. All you do is turn the bottle upside down, on its top, and slowly and carefully twist the cap until it seems to be loosened all the way. Then, just sit back and wait for you victim to pick it up and spill liquid all over the place. This could be used for other drinks, as well.

How To: Read your friend's minds with the Book Test

In this tutorial, we learn how to read your friend's minds with the book test. First, sit by two friends and have three books with you. Have them pick a book, then write a 3 digit number on a card, then have the other person flip the numbers and subtract them. Now have the other person reverse the digits and add numbers again and add them all together. Now, have the other person circle the lat digit and open the page and word of the digit. Have the people think of the word they come up with a...

How To: Pull the refrigerator handle switch prank

Pranks are the world's favorite pastime. Everyone loves a good prank, and there's nothing better than keeping someones stomach empty. Imagine the pain and suffering one would endure if he or she could not eat because the fridge will not open. Most refrigerators allow for reversing the door swing. Normally you also switch the handle. But not if you want to thoroughly confuse the victim of this practical joke.

How To: Pull the iced shower curtains prank

Steal the shower curtains from a hall's community shower, then put them out on the dorm's balcony and cover them in water when it's going to get below freezing. They try to get the curtains in the morning but they're frozen with sheets of ice, hah! Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks!

How To: Stump people with a cork trick

In order to stump drunk people with a cork trick, you will need the following: 2 corks per person. Tuck the cork between the thumbs and forefingers. The rules are that you have to switch out the corks without using any other fingers, besides the thumbs and forefingers, and the exchange must be simultaneous.

How To: Do a Wolf Whistle

Use the piercing whistle in this how-to video on strangers at your own peril. Although it's commonly depicted as a pick-up method, it may not be particularly effective in that regard. All the same, the wolf whistle is a classic and will definitely be attention grabbing. Watch this video, and you may even be able to apply it as a practical joke of sorts.

News: Apartheid in New York City

Pranking is good. Pranking in New York City is even better. These jesters with too much time on their hands decided to force segregation on the mean streets of Manhattan. You may recall "Frozen in Grand Central" and "No Pants", two events which helped create a name for these out of work thespians. The genesis for Improv Everywhere happened nine years ago when one of the founders decided to tell the ladies in the bar that he was musician Ben Folds during one late night of drinking. Ummm. It wo...

How To: Use non-transitive dice to cheat your friends

Need a new prank or trick to play on your friends? Well this video is your solution. All you need a non-transitive dice and to follow this video and you will be cheating your friend in no time. The idea behind this video is to use dice that are non standard, which means instead of having from 1 to 6 on the sides, they have other numbers. By playing with what numbers go on the faces, the viewers can skew with the probabilities of what number comes up. With this idea, the viewers can make dice ...

How To: Pull a three easy prank combo with a hot pocket, sink sprayer, and vodka

We've all heard that death comes in threes. In our tireless hours of prank research here at Wonderhowto, we've observed that pranks often do as well. By stringing three simple pranks together, you can achieve all of the annoyance and laughter of a much more elaborate / expensive / dangerous prank. In this video, you will learn how to set up one combination prank that requires only simple things: