Everything Else

How To: Make paper poppers in three steps

Who knew that a thin, innocent piece of paper had so much potential for creating loud and annoying sounds? This video will teach you how to make a paper popper in only three easy steps that will allow you to make loud noises over and over again, scaring friends, family, and pets. No non-paper materials required. Make paper poppers in three steps.

How To: Make cheap DIY blowgun darts out of paper

The blowgun may not be the most en-vogue weapon in the 21st century, but they are still very cool and surprising effective for shooting things with darts at long range. One of their problems is that good dart are hard to come by and expensive when you do find them. This video will show you a way to get around that problem: making your own darts out of paper! All you need is paper (and maybe a little superglue would help) and you can make your very own darts that will pierce object almost as w...

How To: Make a loud bang sound with a piece of paper

Do you like making loud noises? We do here at Wonderhowto, and this video will show you one easy way to do so using only a standard sheet of printer paper. You just have to fold in a certain way, slam it against a table or other hard surface, and bang! You've made a loud banging noise without having to invest in poppers or anything! You can reuse the same sheet to create further bangs, but the noise level may diminish with repeated banging.

How To: Prank someone by changing their cell phone numbers

If you want to cause one of your friends some extreme discomfort and possibly ostracization, try doing this to them! This video will explain a simple prank that you can pull when one of your friends / enemies leaves their cell phone unattended in your presence. I won't give it away, but they are sure to feel the wrath of this one and will not be able to blame it on your concretely. Brilliant!

How To: Pull some funny pranks at the drive-thru window

Do you find the drive-thru dining experience at the modern American fast-food restaurant frustrating? Do you want to get back at the drive-thru establishment and have some fun at the same time? This video will show you some hilarious pranks that you can perform when ordering at the drive-thru window, creating a laugh riot for yourself, your passengers, and, hopefully, the fast-food employee as well. Prank on!

How To: Make a prank Rubik's Cube 4x4

If you and your friends love to solve different kinds of Rubik's cubes, and you want to play a prank on one or more of those friends, this video will show you how. It will teach you how to take apart a 4x4 Rubik's Cube with a core and put it back together without the core, so that when one of your friends tries to take it apart it will crumble in their hands.

How To: Read your friend's minds with the Book Test

In this tutorial, we learn how to read your friend's minds with the book test. First, sit by two friends and have three books with you. Have them pick a book, then write a 3 digit number on a card, then have the other person flip the numbers and subtract them. Now have the other person reverse the digits and add numbers again and add them all together. Now, have the other person circle the lat digit and open the page and word of the digit. Have the people think of the word they come up with a...

How To: Pull the refrigerator handle switch prank

Pranks are the world's favorite pastime. Everyone loves a good prank, and there's nothing better than keeping someones stomach empty. Imagine the pain and suffering one would endure if he or she could not eat because the fridge will not open. Most refrigerators allow for reversing the door swing. Normally you also switch the handle. But not if you want to thoroughly confuse the victim of this practical joke.

How To: Bobby trap dental floss with a party popper

Party poppers are magnificent. They can be used for a plethora of pranks— basically, any prank where the victim / target has to open something. You can use party poppers on practically any household item, but this video covers the much used dental floss container. The exploding floss prank is easy to do yourself, and requires only the floss container, the party poppers, scissors, and a screwdriver. Once your prank target goes to use their floss, they'll have quite the grin.

How To: Create a mousetrap noisemaker prank device

Besides being useful, mousetraps can be pretty loud, which makes them perfect for the prankster at heart. They can scare the crap out of your intended victim, but for some, giving them the heebie-jeebies can be more difficult than just a normal trap. They might not scare as easily with a short burst of sound. But they will if you add a few mods to that everyday mouse trap!

How To: Set up the ultimate ketchup prank

You must have a certain attitude to appreciate practical jokes and pranks. Your friends (or targets) may not appreciate pranks as much as you, especially messy ones. The messy pranks are the ones that are less likely to provide a laugh from your victims, at least not right away. This ketchup prank is one of those.

How To: Make invisible ink from an egg

In this tutorial, we learn how to make invisible ink from an egg. First, grab an egg and poke it with a pen to where a small hole is in it. once you've done this, leak the white inside of the egg into a clear bowl. Now you can dip the pen into the clear liquid and write on a piece of paper. Keep dipping in liquid as the "ink" dries out. Once the liquid has dried, you will be able to see what is written on the paper clearly! You can place the paper or an open flame (standing back a few inches)...

How To: Gleek or lizard spit

Little boy demonstrate simple steps on how to gleek in three easy steps. As viewed on the video, the boy mention the use of a yellow string to help in his demonstration- First is to touch the tip of the tongue at the bottom of the mouth where the yellow string is placed- Touch the tongue at the roof of the mouth- Force the air out of the mouth like what happen when you force a yawn, make sure that the mouth is open as you do, for the spit not to hit your teeth

How To: Make fake boogers with rubber cement

How To Make Anything demonstrates how to make fake boogers with rubber cement. Find rubber cement in the school supply aisle of any store. First, open the rubber cement and brush it onto a small non-stick surface. Allow the rubber cement to dry. You can blow on it to dry it. Rub off the almost-dried rubber cement from the surface and onto your finger. The rubber cement balls will retain some of its sticky properties to resemble a booger. Remember, don't eat the fake boogers but you can use th...

How To: Make homemade fireworks

This features how to use fire wire to create your own homemade fire works! What you need is fine steel wool, wire, and a lighter. Take your wire and your steel wheel and a tie a slip knot on the wire. Stretch out the steel wool and put it inside the slip knot and tighten. Now, with this, you have created your own fireworks. All you do it light the wool on fire, swing this contraption around and enjoy the beautiful bright and blasting lights. Be sure that the wire is tied tightly around the st...

How To: Make a horrible smelling stink bomb

Learn how to make a horrible smelling stink bomb from this video in simple steps. You will need a newspaper, elastic, 2 sparklers and some cat hair. First put the cat hair in the newspaper. Crush a sparkler into powder and add it to the newspaper. Roll the newspaper and tie it up using the elastic. Now attach the other sparkler to the paper. Finally ignite the sparkler and throw your stink bomb to test it.

How To: Use non-transitive dice to cheat your friends

Need a new prank or trick to play on your friends? Well this video is your solution. All you need a non-transitive dice and to follow this video and you will be cheating your friend in no time. The idea behind this video is to use dice that are non standard, which means instead of having from 1 to 6 on the sides, they have other numbers. By playing with what numbers go on the faces, the viewers can skew with the probabilities of what number comes up. With this idea, the viewers can make dice ...

How To: Pull a simple styrofoam cup prank

Nextraker is the king of all pranks, especially styrofoam cup pranks. In this video, see how to create a prank that will leave your victims wet and totally embarrassed! Simplicity is the key to any good prank, so all you will need is some glue and a nail. See how to pull of this simple styrofoam cup prank. Perfect as any April Fool's Day prank.

How To: Make an evasive beeping thing

This video shows you how to make a prank toy called "The Evasive Beeping Thing." You will need: a 555 timer, a couple of 3904 transistors, a couple of capacitors, some resistors, a 9-volt battery clip, a small speaker, and a small piece of circuit board to settle everything. Follow these simple steps: