Everything Else

How To: Use the Easy Magic Square trick to prank people into thinking you're a genius

Most bar tricks involve establishing your dominance over your fellow patrons by beating them at pool or hitting on their significant other. Tired of those? Why not try one upping them with math? This video will show you how to pull a great trick / prank called the Easy Magic Square Trick. All you need is a napkin, victims, and a pen. The trick allows you to make a magic square very quickly, and will make you look like a math savant and win free drinks.

How To: Pull tricks and pranks on patrons at a pool or billiard hall

The pool hall is one of the most traditional places to meet and socialize with others in both East and West. If your crappy pool skills keep you from enjoying your time out at the pool hall properly, try pulling some of these pranks on people better than you! They range from the extremely simple beat-me-without-scratching gambit and other tricks that defy convenient naming but are hilarious and involve both pool and beer.

How To: Pull pranks at the bar using only matches

Matches may not be the ubiquitous part of every person's going-out equipment that they once were, but they are still useful both for lighting fire if you don't have a lighter and for pulling these two hilarious bar pranks. The first is a simple counting game where you manipulate your victim into making piles of matches of sizes you guess correctly, because you rigged the game. The second involves challenging the victim to make six equal half of eleven using a pile of matches. Both are funny, ...

How To: Prank Someone with the Bloody Pen Trick

For this office prank, you'll need a pen, rubber band, marker, crazy glue and some fake blood. The first thing you'll need to do is take the pen apart and get rid of the ink. Next, you'll need to attach the rubber band to the pen cap. Watch the full instructions from Nextraker to see what comes next for this bloody pen prank.

How To: Prank roommates with a table, a toilet, and a balloon under their car tire

Great pranks, like death and various other phenomena, come in threes. This video is a perfect example of that, and will teach you three awesome pranks that you can pull on a roommate, friend, or mortal enemy. First, you'll learn about placing a table over a sleeping persons head and waking them with an airhorn. Second, you'll learn how to rig a squirting toilet. Lastly, there's the fake tire explosion balloon trick. All classics, all easy, all things you should go try.

How To: Pull some easy household pranks on your spouse, child, or parent

This video made by a loving wife while her husband is at work outlines three fun, safe, easy ways for families to prank each other without risking damage, injury, or rage. She starts by taping the laser on the bottom of her husband's mouse so it won't work. Then shut puts toothpaste under the light switches in dark rooms so that her hubby will get a sticky finger when he turns on the lights. Lastly, she put flour on the inside of his beloved window fan so that it will shoot out when he turns ...

How To: Execute the wooden spoon head hitting prank

The wooden spoon prank is one of the great group pranks, especially if you have a big group of spectators that won't ruin it right away. What you do is get three wooden cooking spoons and an accomplice. Your accomplice will challenge your victim to a game where they take turn seeing who can hit each other's head the hardest with a wooden spoon held in the mouth. The victim goes first, landing a weak hit on your accomplices head. What the victim doesn't know is that you have a spoon too, and a...

How To: Do fun household pranks with a bowl, an egg, a rubber band, and lacrosse stick

There are a lot of great pranks that are NOT appropriate for children to perform. Not only are they in the wrong environment, but their limited emotional development hamstrings their ability to handle serious pranks properly. This video will show you three pranks that are appropriate for all ages and use common household materials. The include the Ceiling Bowl Trick, the rubber-band-sink-sprayer, and the classic egg-in-the-doorframe prank.

How To: Pull the bloody toothbrush prank with food coloring on a roommate

Brushing your teeth is pretty mundane. Why not enliven the experience for a friend or enemy by pranking them into thinking that their mouth is gushing blood? This video will teach you how to use food coloring and an oven to set up the Bloody Toothbrush Prank. All you do is cook the food coloring into it's powdered essence, apply the powder sneakily your victim's toothbrush, and wait until they brush.

How To: Prank the interviewer when you have a job interview

In today's economy, pranks like this are luxuries few can afford. But if you are lucky enough to find yourself interviewing for a job you don't want and don't have to take, try out some of the awesome prank techniques in this video! It will teach you a bunch of ways to mess with your interviewer. It's almost like a crank call delivered in person, and should amuse your and very much off-put your interviewer every time.

How To: Pull three pranks that you should never, ever do

Nobody likes it when a prank gets taken too far. Friendships are ruined, material possessions destroyed, even bodies broken. This video offers four perfect examples of pranks that go entirely too far and that you SHOULD NOT DO to your friends and neighbors. We're being serious, if only for a second. They involve killing your cat, possibly killing your friends, and erasing all of the computer data of your friends and family. Actually doing any or all of these things will probably lead to your ...

How To: Set up 3 different sign-based pranks

Three pranks, one video, a million annoyed victims! Welcome pranksters, watch on and learn! This video will teach you three easy sign-related pranks for general mischief. The first, the out-of-order sign prank. The second, the Please Pull Hard sign on the push door trick. Lastly, the classic broken LCD monitor trick. All simple, all easy, all hilarious. And you probably won't break anything expensive!

How To: Prank a coworker with an upside down full coffee cup

Office pranks have a long and distinguished history. You've probably seen this one before, but in case you haven't, this video will show you how to do the upside-down coffee cup prank. Simply take a full cup of coffee, place it on the desk of your victim, place a piece of paper flat on top, then carefully flip the cup onto the desk and remove the paper. The cup will be upside-down, full, on the desk. The only way to remove it is to soak oneself with coffee, as your victim will most likely do.

How To: Set up a faucet sprayer for a prank

This trick is really simple, as long as you have the necessary equipment to set it up. The main thing you need is a sink that has one of those dish sprayers that work automatically if they're being squeezed. Then, just wrap invisible tape around it to keep it engaged, and wait for your victim to try and use the sink. They're most likely in for a spray to the crotch.

How To: Prank someone with an ice cube drop in hot weather

Being based in sunny Los Angeles, we at Wonderhow are no strangers to heat. This prank was designed for use in hot areas, but we think it would be just as amusing if not more so somewhere cold. All you do is buy a lot of ice, locate or construct a platform over an entryway your victim often uses, put the ice and yourself up there, wait for them to arrive and dump it on them. It'll be cold, wet, and oh so surprising.

How To: Fake break in to someone's car for a prank

If you have a friend who always leaves their valuable possession out in their car, where anyone can see them and only need break into the car to take them, you owe this prank to them to teach them a lesson. Get some broken glass and a key to their car, wait until they're out of the car and have left their stuff there, then take the stuff, roll their window down, and leave the glass around the window. When they return, they'll think someone broke into their car and robbed it. Really, it was yo...