Active Practical Jokes & Pranks Posts

How To: Drive your friends crazy with a fishing pole prank

When you're out fishing, you're probably more concerned with just hanging out with your buddies and having a good time than your are with actually catching any fish. But if you've got one person in your group who takes the actually fishing element of fishing (the boring part) waaaaaay too seriously, try pulling this prank on them! They do have to have a long pole, but if they do all you have to do is quickly tap the end of their pole, which should wiggle it enough to make them think they have...

How To: Use magnets to stick things to the roof of someone's car for a prank

The prank is one of the most cherished traditional forms of expression around the world, from Japan to the Middle East to the good ol' US of A. Without them, how would people settle their disputes with one another while having a good laugh at the same time? Every time a new phenomenon enters our lives, new pranks emerge that can be performed with it. We at Wonderhowto love pranks as much as anybody, and to that end we've scoured the internet for videos demonstrating the proper setup and execu...

How To: Create temporary engine failure and exhaust explosion with a balloon car prank

If you're interested in getting someone back or just would like to play a nice little prank, this next video will show you how. In this tutorial, you'll be performing a car prank involving the car's exhaust. It doesn't damage the car, but it does take power away from the car temporarily and results in a loud bang from a balloon. So check out the video above, be safe, and enjoy!

How To: Create convincing, but utterly fake, UFO photographs and videos

Aliens… do they exist? Can anyone say for sure? No, but some do swear of their existence, and some swear on a more personal level, although some say that alien abductions are going a little "too" far in proving aliens exist. But a more common staple of proof of aliens are UFOs, or Unidentified Flying Objects. UFOs have been sighted all over the world, even by the military and NASA, so who's to say they're fake? I guess you, especially if you're the culprit behind it…

How To: Use psychic dice trick to punk the drunk

In this video, we learn how to use psychic dice trick to punk the drunk. First, place the dice in a clear glass, then tell the other person to look at the numbers on the dice through the bottom of the cup. Next, guess that number they are thinking of, and then look at the die to prove it. When finished, you will get a drink and drink free all night! Make sure you are using psychic dice to do this trick. If you don't have these specific die, then you won't be able to pull this trick off correc...

How To: Stump people with a cork trick

In order to stump drunk people with a cork trick, you will need the following: 2 corks per person. Tuck the cork between the thumbs and forefingers. The rules are that you have to switch out the corks without using any other fingers, besides the thumbs and forefingers, and the exchange must be simultaneous.

How To: Pull the fire and water pen pranks

New to the pranking business? Well, this video tutorial ought to start you off good and proper. Here, you will learn how to perform the liquid pen prank. Maybe it's called something different, like water pen prank, but the point is to remove everything from the pen, then fill it with water and return the cap. Wait and watch as someone opens the pen lid to spill water all over their important document.

How To: Make a prank ketchup bomb for school or at home

This video pranking tutorial shows how to make a ketchup bomb out of ketchup and aluminum foil. The ketchup bomb will explode on contact with the target and make a sticky, staining, red mess. It's easy to make the ketchup bomb during lunch, saving the practical joke for whenever you're ready to strike. Learn how to make a ketchup bomb by watching this instructional video. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks!

How To: Do the funnel-in-the-pants trick

Now this is a funny prank that you can pull on children or some of your more gullible friends. All you do is demonstrate for them that you can stick a funnel in the front of your pants and a coin on your chin, wait ten seconds, then dump the coin into the funnel. When they try to do it, you sneak up in front of them and dump water into the funnel. They'll look like the totally pissed themselves, and then probably try their best to beat you to death with the funnel. Great trick.

How To: Make a loud paper banger noisemaker

Making paper bangers / poppers is one of the most fun and annoying (to others) things that you can do with a single sheet of paper. This video will show you how to make one in very copious detail by the standards of other paper bomb videos. It may take some practice to get the banging motion right, but once you do this little banger will be very loud. It's also reusable, so you can use the same one to annoy people for weeks! Or until someone rips it. But then you can just make another one!

How To: Make paper poppers in three steps

Who knew that a thin, innocent piece of paper had so much potential for creating loud and annoying sounds? This video will teach you how to make a paper popper in only three easy steps that will allow you to make loud noises over and over again, scaring friends, family, and pets. No non-paper materials required. Make paper poppers in three steps.

How To: Make a really loud annoying noise by blowing on paper

There are a lot of videos, many on our site, that will teach you how to make poppers or other types of noisemakers with paper. This one stand out from the pack though both in terms of loudness and technique. This video will show you how to make a piece of paper into an extremely loud and annoying whistle just by cutting some holes in and folding it. This is sure to aggravate anyone around you cheaply and easily.

How To: Make a popping penny bomb with paper caps and tape

Do you like playing with those little popper things that you throw on the ground and they make a loud popping noise? The ones that come in the box full of sawdust? Well those are for noobs. This video will show you how to make a similar, but louder, device out of a penny, some paper caps (the kind for cap guns, remember those?) and tape. It's loud, easy, and cheap. It may not look pretty, but it'll do the job magnificently.

How To: Make cheap DIY blowgun darts out of paper

The blowgun may not be the most en-vogue weapon in the 21st century, but they are still very cool and surprising effective for shooting things with darts at long range. One of their problems is that good dart are hard to come by and expensive when you do find them. This video will show you a way to get around that problem: making your own darts out of paper! All you need is paper (and maybe a little superglue would help) and you can make your very own darts that will pierce object almost as w...

How To: Make a loud bang sound with a piece of paper

Do you like making loud noises? We do here at Wonderhowto, and this video will show you one easy way to do so using only a standard sheet of printer paper. You just have to fold in a certain way, slam it against a table or other hard surface, and bang! You've made a loud banging noise without having to invest in poppers or anything! You can reuse the same sheet to create further bangs, but the noise level may diminish with repeated banging.

How To: Prank someone by changing their cell phone numbers

If you want to cause one of your friends some extreme discomfort and possibly ostracization, try doing this to them! This video will explain a simple prank that you can pull when one of your friends / enemies leaves their cell phone unattended in your presence. I won't give it away, but they are sure to feel the wrath of this one and will not be able to blame it on your concretely. Brilliant!

How To: Pull some funny pranks at the drive-thru window

Do you find the drive-thru dining experience at the modern American fast-food restaurant frustrating? Do you want to get back at the drive-thru establishment and have some fun at the same time? This video will show you some hilarious pranks that you can perform when ordering at the drive-thru window, creating a laugh riot for yourself, your passengers, and, hopefully, the fast-food employee as well. Prank on!

How To: Make a prank Rubik's Cube 4x4

If you and your friends love to solve different kinds of Rubik's cubes, and you want to play a prank on one or more of those friends, this video will show you how. It will teach you how to take apart a 4x4 Rubik's Cube with a core and put it back together without the core, so that when one of your friends tries to take it apart it will crumble in their hands.

How To: Make a compressed air spit ball launcher

Ever had one of those days you were super bored at work? Love to tease your co-workers? Check out this awesome tutorial video on how to make a compressed air, spit ball launcher. Spend a few minutes following the instructions of this how-to video and you will become the coolest person in the office, and probably the most hated. All you'll need is a ball point pen and one of those compressed air cans for spraying the gunk out of your keyboard. A little bit of immaturity doesn't hurt either. Us...

News: Apartheid in New York City

Pranking is good. Pranking in New York City is even better. These jesters with too much time on their hands decided to force segregation on the mean streets of Manhattan. You may recall "Frozen in Grand Central" and "No Pants", two events which helped create a name for these out of work thespians. The genesis for Improv Everywhere happened nine years ago when one of the founders decided to tell the ladies in the bar that he was musician Ben Folds during one late night of drinking. Ummm. It wo...

How To: Read your friend's minds with the Book Test

In this tutorial, we learn how to read your friend's minds with the book test. First, sit by two friends and have three books with you. Have them pick a book, then write a 3 digit number on a card, then have the other person flip the numbers and subtract them. Now have the other person reverse the digits and add numbers again and add them all together. Now, have the other person circle the lat digit and open the page and word of the digit. Have the people think of the word they come up with a...

How To: Pull the refrigerator handle switch prank

Pranks are the world's favorite pastime. Everyone loves a good prank, and there's nothing better than keeping someones stomach empty. Imagine the pain and suffering one would endure if he or she could not eat because the fridge will not open. Most refrigerators allow for reversing the door swing. Normally you also switch the handle. But not if you want to thoroughly confuse the victim of this practical joke.