News: Pull fire & water pen pranks

Pull fire & water pen pranks

This one starts out pretty tame with the water prank. But rest assured, the second round pen prank satisfies. We very much appreciate the 'safety' of adding water to the pen body in case the flame gets out of control. Nobody laughs at third degree burns.

NextRaker is one of our favorite class clowns. From his profile pic, it appears he models himself a modern Latino Ferris Beuller.

In the spirit of rogue studies, we hit the books on the chemistry of this prank.

Nex uses safety matches and a basic Bic pen. He scrapes the match head into the pen cap and coats the pen body with the safety matchbox strike surface. The flame ignites by way of friction between the strike surface (25% powdered glass, 50% red phosphorus, 5% neutralizer, 4% carbon black and 16% binder) and the match head (45-55% potassium chlorate, 20-40% of siliceous filler, diatomite and glue). That's a pretty involved chemical reaction.

An alternate prank could use the traditional strike-anywhere match and therefore would not necessitate the matchbook surface to be inserted into the cap. The phosphorus on the match head would simply ignite due to the friction with the plastic pen body.

Pull the fire and water pen pranks

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Very simple and effective set of pranks. Great job!

i think im goin to try da juice prank it looks fun and i might try da out da match prank when u put da square of a match box in folded up and den da match but dats right safety first wit water and i might pull it on one of my friends of mii sister's all five of em

Tricky! Look out for this guy :)

The flash was large! I wasn't expecting it to be like that. Nice trick! :)


Great stuff!!

Cool! Now all I got to do is find someone to pull it on. :)

Pull it on your dad, he will love it!

I like the fire-pen better... Not as damaging to whatever your buddy wanted to write on as the water one is, and it's much more alarming.

his voice is wierd

He! He! He! He!

Kewl , haha

i tried it and some how got burned.....i need more matches lol

Hah that's funny XD I picture so many people I would want to do the fire prank on.

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