Reddit user smellslikeurine is seeking advice for a "friend of a friend" who recently pulled a clever prank on an evil bully, and may now be legally liable:
"A relative of a close friend (we'll call him Todd) carried Mountain Dew in his backpack to school every day. For a few weeks, this bully ("Brian") would go in his bag, say f**k you, and drink the Mountain Dew.
Fed up with this and being a cunning lad, last Tuesday Todd drinks the Mountain Dew before class, and pisses in the bottle. Brian drank the piss, shat brix, and Todd emerged the victor that day.
Now, Brian's family is threatening to sue, claiming Todd endangered Brian's health. Todd's family is apparently sh*tting and scrambling to collect character references for Todd from teachers, letters from doctors saying urine isn't harmful, and generally thinking their son is a psycho.
I applaud Todd and think that he should walk into court holding a bottle of piss, it's freedom of expression, some people like piss filled bottles, but IANAL."
Is "Todd" liable? We all have to fight our bullies somehow, and unless urine contains drugs, it appears to be relatively safe to drink. (WonderHowTo has urine purification HowTo's, though Todd clearly didn't go through such a painstaking process.)
"Todd" needs your advice. Please post your stance below.
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