In this installment of the online prank video institution Do Unto Others, you will learn a wide variety of great ways to mess with people in a variety of situations. Some of these situations include at a job interview, at the gym, when meeting a new roommate, and when using a public restroom. All are sure to add a little spark and concern to your fellows' day.
This prank is simple, creative, easy to set up, messy and embarrassing. Five of the first things that we at Wonderhowto look for in a prank. All you need are some basic household materials:
Nobody likes it when a prank gets taken too far. Friendships are ruined, material possessions destroyed, even bodies broken. This video offers four perfect examples of pranks that go entirely too far and that you SHOULD NOT DO to your friends and neighbors. We're being serious, if only for a second. They involve killing your cat, possibly killing your friends, and erasing all of the computer data of your friends and family. Actually doing any or all of these things will probably lead to your...
This prank is one of the first that a modern kid learns in elementary school, which makes it great for use on parents and other older people. All you have to do is print or write up a sheet of paper with the phrases "I am we Todd it" and/or "I am sofa king we Todd it." When you victims reads it, it will sound like they are saying something different, and you will be amused. Good for you.
Three pranks, one video, a million annoyed victims! Welcome pranksters, watch on and learn! This video will teach you three easy sign-related pranks for general mischief. The first, the out-of-order sign prank. The second, the Please Pull Hard sign on the push door trick. Lastly, the classic broken LCD monitor trick. All simple, all easy, all hilarious. And you probably won't break anything expensive!
Office pranks have a long and distinguished history. You've probably seen this one before, but in case you haven't, this video will show you how to do the upside-down coffee cup prank. Simply take a full cup of coffee, place it on the desk of your victim, place a piece of paper flat on top, then carefully flip the cup onto the desk and remove the paper. The cup will be upside-down, full, on the desk. The only way to remove it is to soak oneself with coffee, as your victim will most likely do.
This trick is really simple, as long as you have the necessary equipment to set it up. The main thing you need is a sink that has one of those dish sprayers that work automatically if they're being squeezed. Then, just wrap invisible tape around it to keep it engaged, and wait for your victim to try and use the sink. They're most likely in for a spray to the crotch.
This prank is about as simple as it gets. All you need is some kind of tray, some flour, string, and a part of your house where there is a pull-chord light switch (most likely the basement). Just remove the light switch chord and dangle your new string in its place, attached to your container of flour above. When your victim tries to turn on the light, bam! They'll be hit with the flour.
Woohoo! Since our inception, we have noticed that Jackass fans like WonderHowTo's prank tutorials, and our internet savvy user base loves all things Jackass. So it is only natural (and flattering) that Johnny Knoxville would have us host his first ever fan based contest with Wonderhowto.
Being based in sunny Los Angeles, we at Wonderhow are no strangers to heat. This prank was designed for use in hot areas, but we think it would be just as amusing if not more so somewhere cold. All you do is buy a lot of ice, locate or construct a platform over an entryway your victim often uses, put the ice and yourself up there, wait for them to arrive and dump it on them. It'll be cold, wet, and oh so surprising.
If you have a friend who always leaves their valuable possession out in their car, where anyone can see them and only need break into the car to take them, you owe this prank to them to teach them a lesson. Get some broken glass and a key to their car, wait until they're out of the car and have left their stuff there, then take the stuff, roll their window down, and leave the glass around the window. When they return, they'll think someone broke into their car and robbed it. Really, it was you,...
People who like cereal are fanatical about it, and aren't quite right if they don't get their fix in the morning. If you live with a cereal person, try using this prank to give them some perspective. All you need is a toy mouse, which you deposit in their cereal box. Then watch, enjoy, and run.
Firecrackers are one of the greatest noisemaking implements ever conceived, and have formed the basis of great pranks for generations. This video will show you how to pull arguably the most classic firecracker prank of all, the firecracker wakeup call. All you do is put firecrackers in a pot (for safety) near a sleeping person and light 'em off. Hilarious, but dangerous. Be careful, for Pete's sake.
Cars make many people sleepy, and after a long day out many car passengers like to spend the ride home napping out. Not when you're driving they don't! This video will show you how to quickly and easily prank someone who has fallen asleep in your car by pretending to have a near-collision, while will give their groggy brains quite a scare.
Ordering a new computer is a big event for most people, and waiting for it to arrive can be torturous. If someone close to you is waiting for a computer, why not help them make the experience even more memorable with this prank! All you need is a roommate or family member who has ordered a desktop computer, the box from a similar computer, a bigfoot suit and an air horn (both optional). Just wait until they're out, call them and let them know their computer has arrived, position the box, get...
Bottle rockets are tons of fun, and having some stockpiled at all times is a great way to make sure you are never unprepared for fun. If you are lucky enough to have such a stockpile, try this prank out! All you do is wait until your victim is showering, say a little bit of setup, and BAM! Their shower just got a lot more interesting/.
Arm wrestling is one of the simplest, safest ways for two people to decide who is the stronger of them. If you find yourself arm wrestling a rather slow person, try this prank on them! All you do is convince them to try the new form of arm wrestling shown in the video, then do as these fine gentlemen do. Have some ice on hand in case your victim really punches themselves hard.
This prank is not for the faint of heart. It will hurt your victim a great deal, and likely make them want to visit the same fate upon you. But if you're really trying to find a prank that will make the day of your victim worse, and they like to work on cars, this prank is for you. All you do is wait till your victim is under a car working, then grab a hammer and...
Creating traps around the house to injure and amuse friends and roommates is one of the best and most common ways of performing a prank. In this video, you will learn how to turn one overused household prank as a decoy for a more insidious one. First, you stretch an obvious decoy trip wire across a part of your house with a hard floor, preferably tile. Then you grease (with butter, lotion...) the floor on the other side of the wire from where you expect your victim to enter. Then watch as they...
When in repose upon the toilet, the last thing most people want is for something to jump out at them. And that is exactly what will happen to them if you pull this prank. It turns out that the actual tape from a tape measure is a great little prank tool, and in this video you'll learn how to attach one to a roll of toilet paper so that when your victim attempts to wipe, they will be attacked by tape and scared... witless. Yes, witless.
A person's bed is their sacred place of rest, a place where they should theoretically be safe from pranks and shenanigans. Yeah right! This video will show you how to set up a great dorm-room or roommate prank where you remove the supports from their bed frame, replace them with fishing line that will only just support the mattress, then wait for them to return and try to lie down. Bam! Total collapse, total hilarity.
The air horn is one of the cheapest and loudest things that you can buy, and it forms the heart of many amazing pranks. This video will give you some ideas for easy air horn pranks that require no fancy setup or planning. Just an unsuspecting victims and a little bit of patience.
We've all heard that death comes in threes. In our tireless hours of prank research here at Wonderhowto, we've observed that pranks often do as well. By stringing three simple pranks together, you can achieve all of the annoyance and laughter of a much more elaborate / expensive / dangerous prank. In this video, you will learn how to set up one combination prank that requires only simple things:
One prank doesn't have a terribly long lifespan usually. You do it once to one of your friends, they tell everyone else, pretty soon your friends see that prank coming a mile away when you try to pull it again. Why not stock up? This video will show you how to pull three diverse, great pranks. First, the food-coloring-in-the-showerhead trick. Second, the living room string labyrinth. Third, the old broken PC desktop trick. Pull all three on someone in rapid succession for bonus score!
Nine-year-old Azura of Middle Road, Worcester (England) inadvertently pranked her whole neighborhood (and whoever else happened to be browsing the area on Google Street View) when she dropped "dead" to the pavement.
A couple questions at hand: Joke or clever product? Resourceful or faux pas? Yes, the Japanese get some wacky product ideas, but I'm going to put my money on "joke".
When you're out fishing, you're probably more concerned with just hanging out with your buddies and having a good time than your are with actually catching any fish. But if you've got one person in your group who takes the actually fishing element of fishing (the boring part) waaaaaay too seriously, try pulling this prank on them! They do have to have a long pole, but if they do all you have to do is quickly tap the end of their pole, which should wiggle it enough to make them think they have a...
The prank is one of the most cherished traditional forms of expression around the world, from Japan to the Middle East to the good ol' US of A. Without them, how would people settle their disputes with one another while having a good laugh at the same time? Every time a new phenomenon enters our lives, new pranks emerge that can be performed with it. We at Wonderhowto love pranks as much as anybody, and to that end we've scoured the internet for videos demonstrating the proper setup and...
If you want to scare the living daylights out of your friend, check out this next prank tutorial. In the video, you'll find out how to perform the fake car crash prank. It involved using some big speakers and a soundtrack of a car screeching to a halt.
If you want to play a prank, why not do it to people you don't know. Not only will they not suspect a thing, but their reactions can be very funny to watch.
This next tutorial is a classic prank that is easy to perform and will trick everyone around your car. It involves leaving a bag full of groceries, items, goods, whatever on top of your car and driving around with it on there.
If you're interested in performing a very cruel, but cool and bloody prank this next tutorial is for you. In this Texas Chainsaw Massacre prank, you'll be cutting off your legs and producing a whole lot of blood.
For this next prank tutoril, you'll be finding out how to give someone a prank tire, without having to poke a hole in the tire. It involves putting an object inside the cap of the bike's tire. This is used to help release the air from the tire, resulting in the flat tire. It's an easy to perform prank and will take a little bit of time to prepare. So good luck and enjoy!
If you're interested in getting someone back or just would like to play a nice little prank, this next video will show you how. In this tutorial, you'll be performing a car prank involving the car's exhaust. It doesn't damage the car, but it does take power away from the car temporarily and results in a loud bang from a balloon. So check out the video above, be safe, and enjoy!
If you are interested in performing some easy and harmless pranks then you will want to check out this next video. In it, you'll find out how to spill a glass of water on someone, mess up a person's banana, and more. They're not too difficult to recreate and don't require a ton of material to be purchased. So good luck and enjoy!
If you've ever heard of the Yes Men, then you know about some of their most famous and awesome pranks. These guys have done so much and have tricked so many people in the past decade. From tricking people to signing petitions about allowing Global Warming to occur to passing out over 80,000 fake New York Times papers, these guys are good.
Do you want to look like a high roller the next time you're playing the slots at Mandalay Bay? Then checkout this awesome coin roll trick that's impressive for gamblers and magicians alike.
Kipkay is at it again with his pranks. In this video, he shares four fun and easy pranks that anyone can do to drive their friends (or victims) crazy! Their all very simple. They include a cell phone prank, a floss prank, and more!
Need a new prank to play? Wait no more! In this video from Scam School, you'll learn how to do a simple trick with 3 matchbooks. You'll fool your mark into thinking you have magic psychic and weighing abilities. Just watch and follow the steps, and you could be on your way to scoring free drinks!
Aliens… do they exist? Can anyone say for sure? No, but some do swear of their existence, and some swear on a more personal level, although some say that alien abductions are going a little "too" far in proving aliens exist. But a more common staple of proof of aliens are UFOs, or Unidentified Flying Objects. UFOs have been sighted all over the world, even by the military and NASA, so who's to say they're fake? I guess you, especially if you're the culprit behind it…
In this video, we learn how to use psychic dice trick to punk the drunk. First, place the dice in a clear glass, then tell the other person to look at the numbers on the dice through the bottom of the cup. Next, guess that number they are thinking of, and then look at the die to prove it. When finished, you will get a drink and drink free all night! Make sure you are using psychic dice to do this trick. If you don't have these specific die, then you won't be able to pull this trick off...
In order to stump drunk people with a cork trick, you will need the following: 2 corks per person.
Tuck the cork between the thumbs and forefingers. The rules are that you have to switch out the corks without using any other fingers, besides the thumbs and forefingers, and the exchange must be simultaneous.
While bystanders are trying to swap them out according to the rules, you will need to rotate one hand. Grab the edges with your over rotated hands. It should look like your hands...
Sometimes the simplest pranks are the best ones! They take no time at all, and they're so simple that no one would even expect to look for the obvious. Like this windshield prank. It involves chocolate syrup and a cup of milk.
Now this is a funny prank that you can pull on children or some of your more gullible friends. All you do is demonstrate for them that you can stick a funnel in the front of your pants and a coin on your chin, wait ten seconds, then dump the coin into the funnel. When they try to do it, you sneak up in front of them and dump water into the funnel. They'll look like the totally pissed themselves, and then probably try their best to beat you to death with the funnel. Great trick.
Paper is not known for it's strength as a building material. It is really amazing what paper can do in the right circumstance though. This video will show you how to use a piece of paper to hold the water in an upside-down glass. It's easy, the effect is very cool and sure to impress, and all you need are a glass of water and a piece of copy paper.
Making paper bangers / poppers is one of the most fun and annoying (to others) things that you can do with a single sheet of paper. This video will show you how to make one in very copious detail by the standards of other paper bomb videos. It may take some practice to get the banging motion right, but once you do this little banger will be very loud. It's also reusable, so you can use the same one to annoy people for weeks! Or until someone rips it. But then you can just make another one!
Who knew that a thin, innocent piece of paper had so much potential for creating loud and annoying sounds? This video will teach you how to make a paper popper in only three easy steps that will allow you to make loud noises over and over again, scaring friends, family, and pets. No non-paper materials required.
There are a lot of videos, many on our site, that will teach you how to make poppers or other types of noisemakers with paper. This one stand out from the pack though both in terms of loudness and technique. This video will show you how to make a piece of paper into an extremely loud and annoying whistle just by cutting some holes in and folding it. This is sure to aggravate anyone around you cheaply and easily.
Do you like playing with those little popper things that you throw on the ground and they make a loud popping noise? The ones that come in the box full of sawdust? Well those are for noobs. This video will show you how to make a similar, but louder, device out of a penny, some paper caps (the kind for cap guns, remember those?) and tape. It's loud, easy, and cheap. It may not look pretty, but it'll do the job magnificently.
The blowgun may not be the most en-vogue weapon in the 21st century, but they are still very cool and surprising effective for shooting things with darts at long range. One of their problems is that good dart are hard to come by and expensive when you do find them. This video will show you a way to get around that problem: making your own darts out of paper! All you need is paper (and maybe a little superglue would help) and you can make your very own darts that will pierce object almost as...
Do you like making loud noises? We do here at Wonderhowto, and this video will show you one easy way to do so using only a standard sheet of printer paper. You just have to fold in a certain way, slam it against a table or other hard surface, and bang! You've made a loud banging noise without having to invest in poppers or anything! You can reuse the same sheet to create further bangs, but the noise level may diminish with repeated banging.
If you want to cause one of your friends some extreme discomfort and possibly ostracization, try doing this to them! This video will explain a simple prank that you can pull when one of your friends / enemies leaves their cell phone unattended in your presence. I won't give it away, but they are sure to feel the wrath of this one and will not be able to blame it on your concretely. Brilliant!
This water bottle prank is really ingenious. You split two water bottles and recombine them to form a new, weaker frankenwwaterbottle. You fill this with water and superglue the cap on. Now, when your victim tries to open the water bottle they'll push so hard on the unopenable cap that the weak bottle will break in two, soaking them and their friends. Brilliant, devious, and hilarious.
Do you find the drive-thru dining experience at the modern American fast-food restaurant frustrating? Do you want to get back at the drive-thru establishment and have some fun at the same time? This video will show you some hilarious pranks that you can perform when ordering at the drive-thru window, creating a laugh riot for yourself, your passengers, and, hopefully, the fast-food employee as well. Prank on!
Prank calls are almost as old as the phone itself, but have entered a beautiful renaissance in the digital era. No need for the phonebook or a pay phone service anymore! This video will show you how to make really good, funny prank calls in the 21st century, including a rundown of necessary equipment and help with technique.
If you and your friends love to solve different kinds of Rubik's cubes, and you want to play a prank on one or more of those friends, this video will show you how. It will teach you how to take apart a 4x4 Rubik's Cube with a core and put it back together without the core, so that when one of your friends tries to take it apart it will crumble in their hands.
Pranks that involve liquid are always funny. Unexpected liquid splashing or spilling all over someone is always a laugh riot, unless it's gasoline. This cup prank involves a cup (obviously), straw, needle, lid, and… water balloon. Watch this video to see how the prank works.
Putty is fun stuff to play around with, and there are lot of different ways to make it. This video will show you how to make nontoxic putty easily at home with only white glue, water, and Borax. Add some food coloring if you tire of the same old white putty after a while.