Some prankster... ahem, erected... a giant penis crop circle at the Eiffel Tower, in Paris, this past Friday. My first thought? Photoshop. BUT, according to French journalist Aude Baron the... ahem, erection... is real:
Now here's a prank for the more sophisticated and technologically knowledgeable among you. This video will teach you how to rig up a TV remote and a simple DIY pressure sensor to a couch in such a way that whenever someone sits on it, it will turn the TV on or off depending on what it was before. It's really not that hard, hilarious, and a great way to learn about electronics while you prank you friends.
Street performers don't get a lot of respect from the establishment, it is a great way to hone your skills at magic and other performing arts. This video will give you tips on working a crowd and other aspects of street performing, as well as teaching you a puzzle you can use in your act.
How these kids got to do those for a school project is beyond me. Must be the education system these days. Anyway, this video features some charming youths teaching you how to do a simple prank involving duct tape and falling shoes.
This video will teach you how to do pull an easy prank on someone whose dresser drawer you have access to. The only caveats are that you have to not mind poking holes in their dresser and breaking whatever they keep on top of it.
If your preferred means of showing that you're smarter than others is to trick them with elaborate and tedious puzzles, then Brian Brushwood is your man. This video will teach you two easy bar tricks with matches and drawing that might get you a free drink with the right crowd.
This has got to be one of the all-time easiest pranks to set up. All you need is string, some sort of messy material like dog food, and a closet door. As we said, perhaps the easiest prank short of tripping someone.
After you've tried out Nextraker's pillow prank, move onto the medicine cabinet with this deodorant stick prank. All you need is your victim's stick of deodorant (white) and some Kool-Aid (or in this case Flavor Aid).
Reddit user smellslikeurine is seeking advice for a "friend of a friend" who recently pulled a clever prank on an evil bully, and may now be legally liable:
Think Nextraker's pranks are too hard? Then he's got the perfect prank for you— the Gatorade prank. He calls it the "upside-down Gatorade prank". This is by far one of the easiest gags ever. All you do is turn the bottle upside down, on its top, and slowly and carefully twist the cap until it seems to be loosened all the way. Then, just sit back and wait for you victim to pick it up and spill liquid all over the place. This could be used for other drinks, as well.
With this prank, you will leave your victims wet and mad while you laugh your pants off. This prank video tutorial will show you exactly how to do this styrofoam cup and water prank. You only need a cup, tape and some grease. This prank is simple, but effective. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks!
Halloween is a time that embraces blood, gore, and using blood and gore to scare innocent civilians. So if you're in the pranking mood this Halloween, check out this video to learn how to do a funny ketchup splattering prank that'll leave fake blood all over your victim's clothes and on the floor.
The computer represents a whole new frontier in prank technology, and if you've aren't computer pranking people you need to get with the times. Watch this video to learn how to send anonymous emails, make crank calls online, even send people a message saying they're about to be murdered!
The coin toss is the gold standard of fairness, and used to settle all sorts of important issues. That doesn't mean you can't rig one though. Watch this video to learn how to scam someone on a simple coin toss.
Card tricks are the best type of tricks. They require little equipment, are easy to understand, and contain nearly limitless potential for trickery. Watch this video to learn how to do a card swipe trick on unsuspecting friends or fellow bar patrons.
Most long-haired men and women in America have a hair tie on them most of the time, sometimes more. All you need are two different-colored ones to do this awesome mind game / bar trick on someone! It involves tying the two ties together surreptitiously, and you'll learn how to do it in this video.
Your mom probably told you not to play with matches, but now that you're a little older it's time to start breaking that rule. Watch this video to learn how to play a fun trick on / mind game with people at a bar or other social occasion using matches.
Make your milk come alive using this at home science experiment! Mix a few drops of various colors of food coloring into a shallow dish of milk. Then add some dish soap, and put just a single drop into the middle. Then watch the ensuing cool effects!
You can make a needle hover in midair! Get a few magnets, and see how far away you can make the needle float. Thread your needles with just the right length of string to make needles hover around your magnet.
You can keep water in a liquid state, even if it's below freezing temperature. This tutorial shows you how to take some distilled or purified water, and apply some basic science to make the water freeze on command - or a couple other neat tricks!
Get a red cabbage from the grocery store, and tear up about two or three leaves and put them in a glass jar. Cover the leaves with water and microwave, then strain out the leaves. You can mix the extract with different household chemicals and watch the color change!
Create a secret message for your friends without anyone knowing what you're up to! You can make some easy invisible ink using just some milk. Write your message in milk-ink using a Q-tip. Then let it dry for at least half an hour. The paper will look normal - only an iron will reveal your writing.
Desperately want to see what's inside an envelope without anyone knowing you've snooped? There's an easy trick you can use to make paper turn invisible - just long enough to read through it without leaving any trace behind! You just need to get your hands on some hexanes.
Looking for a fun way of making a nice little concealed pocket shooter for spit balls, q-tips, the whole shebang? Well check out this awesome video on how to convert a G2 ball point pen into a small pen shooter that you can load smaller ammunition into and fire from to annoy someone, or to use as a back up weapon in office warfare when you run out of nerf ammo!
Want to protect your things from people you suspect might be snooping? This video shows you how to set up simple systems for your closet, refrigerator, dresser drawer and even find out if someone has been helping themselves to your liquor!
How cool are smoke grenades? You toss 'em into the air and they explode into a vision of thick clouds and smoke, preventing your enemy from seeing you as you stealthily sneak past him and shoot him upside the head with a paintball gun.
Russian political art pranksters Voina have struck again. This time they enlisted a group of art goons to overturn a cop car in order to "rescue" a child's ball (which was planted by the group in the first place). The trick? Lots of helping hands.
Look what came in the mail today! The File Cabinet from hell. Die hard Jackass fan and file cabinet mod-junkie Jeff Dahlin tracked us down to drop off this gem at WonderHowTo HQ today. It is his official entry for the Jackass Prank Contest.
There is something to be said for the idea that every person needs to know one really awesome magic trick. If you don't know one yourself, and need something to impress your friends and fellow bar patrons, you're in luck. This video will show you how to do an easy sleight-of-hand trick disappearing trick with a cork that will fill that hole in your skills lineup.
Chico Marx was the oldest of the Marx Brothers, but is not as well-remembered as some of his younger brothers. Apparently, he liked this trick, and now you can too. It works great for tricking people at bars. It involves a circle of dollars and a game of removing them that you can win every time with a simple trick.
This video will show you how to pull off a really cool bar tricks on your fellow drinkers using only an olive, a brandy snifter, and two napkins. The challenge is to move the olive from one napkin to another without touching the napkins using only a brandy snifter. The trick is spinning the olive the snifter and moving it upside-down to the other napkin.
The clock is tickin'... Time to get those Jackass 3D Prank Contest entries in. And to remind you of what's at stake, here's an exclusive sneak preview from the upcoming Jackass 3D, straight from the source.
Passed out roommates and guests are some of the most fun and rewarding people to pull pranks on. They'll never know what hit them! This video will show you how to do a couple of awesome pranks on passed out people, some old and some new. Especially creative is the match-in-the-foot trick from the beginning of the video.
Has the new season of Jersey Shore brought out your inner hooligan? Or better yet... does the anticipation of the new Jackass 3D movie have you itching to debase and humiliate your best pals? Fortunately, it's just about time to head back to school. And if you have a roommate, well....we pity him/her.
'Gleeking' is a funny trick with your mouth where you can secretly spray someone with saliva. This comedy staple can be achieved using just a few pieces of tart or sour candy hidden on your tongue and a practiced technique.
When the bottle is squeezed, the water will only have one exit, the top of the flower. Depending on how hard the bottle is squeezed will determine the amount of water that comes squirting out. This gag flower is perfect for April fools or Prom or any event which requires flowers.
Reading people's minds is something that most inquisitive and sensitive people have wished that they could do at some point. Well, what if you could? This video will show you a great multipurpose bar trick that will allow you to appear to read the mind or body of people in a variety of situations. It's really remarkable how easy this is and how well it works.
Tic-tac-toe is one of the easiest games to play and most difficult to win. Most games end in a tie, boredom, and frustration. But do they have to? This video will show you how to predict the winner of a tic-tac-toe game by forcing it to go the way you want with strategic moves. Try using this prank to win you free drinks the next time you're out at the bar.
Most bar tricks involve establishing your dominance over your fellow patrons by beating them at pool or hitting on their significant other. Tired of those? Why not try one upping them with math? This video will show you how to pull a great trick / prank called the Easy Magic Square Trick. All you need is a napkin, victims, and a pen. The trick allows you to make a magic square very quickly, and will make you look like a math savant and win free drinks.
Card magic is generally done to amuse the elderly and to scam the gullible. This video will show you a great way to do the latter and get yourself free drinks at a bar. The outcome of the trick is that you and your victim both cut to the same card in a deck after you bet them that it will happen. Watch the video, then get out there and pull the prank.
There are a lot of ways to get free drinks from people at a bar. Being good-looking is one, having rich friends another. If you aren't or don't have those things, watch this video! It will show you a trick that you can pull on bar patrons to make them buy you beer using only some corks and a secret prank technique.
The pool hall is one of the most traditional places to meet and socialize with others in both East and West. If your crappy pool skills keep you from enjoying your time out at the pool hall properly, try pulling some of these pranks on people better than you! They range from the extremely simple beat-me-without-scratching gambit and other tricks that defy convenient naming but are hilarious and involve both pool and beer.
Matches may not be the ubiquitous part of every person's going-out equipment that they once were, but they are still useful both for lighting fire if you don't have a lighter and for pulling these two hilarious bar pranks. The first is a simple counting game where you manipulate your victim into making piles of matches of sizes you guess correctly, because you rigged the game. The second involves challenging the victim to make six equal half of eleven using a pile of matches. Both are funny,...
Whether you find clown hilarious or absolutely terrifying, you're probably familiar with the squirting flowers that they so often have mounted on their lapel pins for soaking circusgoers. This video will teach you how to create a similar set of squirting flower, except based in a pot rather than your clothing.
Great pranks, like death and various other phenomena, come in threes. This video is a perfect example of that, and will teach you three awesome pranks that you can pull on a roommate, friend, or mortal enemy. First, you'll learn about placing a table over a sleeping persons head and waking them with an airhorn. Second, you'll learn how to rig a squirting toilet. Lastly, there's the fake tire explosion balloon trick. All classics, all easy, all things you should go try.
This video made by a loving wife while her husband is at work outlines three fun, safe, easy ways for families to prank each other without risking damage, injury, or rage. She starts by taping the laser on the bottom of her husband's mouse so it won't work. Then shut puts toothpaste under the light switches in dark rooms so that her hubby will get a sticky finger when he turns on the lights. Lastly, she put flour on the inside of his beloved window fan so that it will shoot out when he turns it...
The wooden spoon prank is one of the great group pranks, especially if you have a big group of spectators that won't ruin it right away. What you do is get three wooden cooking spoons and an accomplice. Your accomplice will challenge your victim to a game where they take turn seeing who can hit each other's head the hardest with a wooden spoon held in the mouth. The victim goes first, landing a weak hit on your accomplices head. What the victim doesn't know is that you have a spoon too, and are...
There are a lot of great pranks that are NOT appropriate for children to perform. Not only are they in the wrong environment, but their limited emotional development hamstrings their ability to handle serious pranks properly. This video will show you three pranks that are appropriate for all ages and use common household materials. The include the Ceiling Bowl Trick, the rubber-band-sink-sprayer, and the classic egg-in-the-doorframe prank.
Brushing your teeth is pretty mundane. Why not enliven the experience for a friend or enemy by pranking them into thinking that their mouth is gushing blood? This video will teach you how to use food coloring and an oven to set up the Bloody Toothbrush Prank. All you do is cook the food coloring into it's powdered essence, apply the powder sneakily your victim's toothbrush, and wait until they brush.
Every day of the week, WonderHowTo curators are hard at work, scouring the web for the greatest and most inspiring how-to videos. Every Friday, we'll highlight our favorite finds.
The Mentos and soda prank is as old as Mentos. You combine Mentos and soda, and a symphony of sticky fluid will erupt. This video features one charming young man explaining how he executed the prank on his younger sister, with step-by-step instructions and questionable video quality. Prank on.
This video, from one of the younger pranksters that we've deemed worthy of inclusion on Wonderowto, will teach you how to execute five easy pranks that vary in vindictiveness. They range from swapping someone's shampoo for hair dye to putting ketchup on the bottom of a toilet. All are doable for just about anyone, so try it!
In today's economy, pranks like this are luxuries few can afford. But if you are lucky enough to find yourself interviewing for a job you don't want and don't have to take, try out some of the awesome prank techniques in this video! It will teach you a bunch of ways to mess with your interviewer. It's almost like a crank call delivered in person, and should amuse your and very much off-put your interviewer every time.