For the dedicated prankster, April Fool's Day is no joke. Nothing will stop them from coming up with the cleverest, most elaborate prank the world has ever seen. Or at least—their victim.
If you're still looking for that perfect prank to pull off on people on April 1st, here are 5 simple yet funny practical jokes you can get your friends and family with. Most require household items which you should already have, so you won't need to go out and purchase any additional stuff. Check out the video tutorial to start pranking right away!
Check out this compilation of 5 evil yet simple pranks you can try on friends and family on April 1st. They all require household items so you shouldn't really have a problem collecting all the materials and tools needed to set up these pranks. Watch the video tutorial provided for further instructions!
I've already shown you an easy last-minute prank involving toothpaste-filled Oreos, now here's a great joke involving an integral part of the cookie-eating experience—milk.
Ah, the art of the April Fool's prank. If you're a dedicated prankster, you probably already know who you're going to get on the big day. But if you're still searching for a prank to pull, never fear—we've got one that's pretty easy to execute and is guaranteed to get reactions.
These are 5 simple yet effective booby traps you can set up on friends and family. Not much is needed, you already pretty much have the household items so just follow the instructions and you'll be on a prank spree this April Fool's Day!
You can never pull off "too many" pranks on April 1st, so here are 5 simple yet very mean pranks you can prepare for friends and family on April Fool's Day! Not much is needed, just a few household items you most likely already have. Here is the video tutorial to get a better idea of how to start pranking.
With April 1st fast approaching, you'll need to start thinking about what kind of pranks you're going to pull off and on who. Well, here are 5 silly household pranks you may consider for April Fool's Day.
In this simple tutorial, you'll learn how to easily set up a prank on your teacher in class for April Fool's Day. If you're looking for a simple yet effective prank to pull on your teacher on April 1st, why not try this one? All you pretty much need is black shoe polish and access to your teacher's dry board eraser. The rest is easy.
In this tutorial I will show you how to be extra mean this coming April Fool's Day by pulling off a prank on someone you dislike. You'll only need a paper plate, liquid to stain your victims important documents and of course have access to a binder containing those documents.
In this edition I will teach you how to mess with someone's clothes, don't worry no harm will be done. It's just funny! Check out the video tutorial to find out more!
Looking for an April Fools idea for a prank, Well here's one you can easily pull off. Works best in the mornings which is when most people usually eat cereal. Check out the instructional video for further details.
Here's a little household prank you can pull off on friend and family. All you will really need is a sponge and maybe some plastic wrap if the sponge doesn't already have one. For further instructions check out the video tutorial!
Using simple household items such as a funnel and balloon you can easily booby trap any door. Meaning you'll get someone wet in the process. Follow the simple instructions in the video tutorial.
Whether you like your neighbors or not you still have to live next door to them. Well here's a little prank you can prepare to get them back for anything they might have done to you in the past. The end result will leave them wet. Check out the video tutorial to find out more.
Basically using the same concept of the classic "baking soda in ketchup bottle prank" Except here we will be using a small packet of ketchup. Refer to the instructional video for a demonstration on how it's all done.
Pretty much anything in the world can be booby trapped and that includes deodorants such as Spray or Bars. It's so unexpected that it's the perfect prank. Check out the instructional video for instructions and demonstrations on how to pull this off.
There are many way to booby trap a bottle of diet cola, most of you already know the most common ones. Well here's another method of doing so, the result is the same. A BIG MESS!!! Watch the video tutorial for further instructions!
Some parties may be so lame that only a good prank can make them more exciting. If that's the case then you can pull off one of these simple party pranks. All three are messy so be prepared to do a little clean up afterwards. Two involve cups and punch and the last one involves a piece of pie. Refer to the instructional video for further instructions and demonstrations!
Work and School can be boring at times, that's why we do what we can to keep ourselves entertained. So I decided to come up with this funny prank so you can make school or work fun again. You will need a water balloon and someone's clipboard which contains important documents! This is a very mean prank and can definitely get you in trouble so make sure you know what you're doing. Watch the video tutorial provided to get an idea of how to pull this off.
Using the mechanism of a door knob you can easily set up this practical joke on friends and family. You'll need a piece string and some tape to pull this off. Just remember to have a spare key to be able to undo this prank. For further instructions on how execute this prank
Here's a little booby trap you can try to pull off on a fellow family member or roommate. It's pretty simple even a child can do it, though it'd be hard for them to acquire a condom. Then again a condom isn't necessary as you can substitute it with a balloon. Just follow the simple instructions in the video tutorial provided!
With just a piece of tape you can easily bobby trap a gallon of milk, you'll also need a cutting too but nothing more. The end result will either leave your friend wet or having to clean up a big mess on the table. Refer to the instructional video for further instructions!
Here you'll find a collection of some of the simplest, easiest, short pranks you can pull off on friends and family. There's pretty much a prank for every occasion. Some are messy, some are annoying and some are just downright mean.
The work place can get pretty boring at times and you do what you can to make time go by faster. Well if you're into pranks and you work at an office or school this prank could definitely help you kill time.
Morning pranks are the best pranks, Why? Well because your victims don't see it coming and are most vulnerable. Most people that eat breakfast usually drink milk and for this prank you'll learn how to booby trap a milk carton. All you'll need is a cutting too and a balloon along with some shaving cream.
Everyone uses the bathroom at least once or twice a day, which is why its the perfect place to set up some booby traps as practical jokes for april fools day or any other day for that matter.
The title pretty much speaks for it's self, basically you'll be putting a smoke bomb inside a candle. Obviously you'll be modifying the candle's appearance but make sure you do at good job at disguising the smoke bomb. Next time someone tries to light the candle, they'll be in for a huge surprise. Check out the instructional video for a full demo.
This is some basic college humor, It's typical prank going around from dorm room to dorm room. The basic idea of this prank is to mess with your room mates personal hygiene by tampering with their cologne, deodorant or body spray.
I came up with this prank while at school, Fellow classmates would always forget their pencils or pens and always asked to borrow mine. Well I got tired of that and decided to teach them a lesson.
Do you have a friend that likes to show off, a friend that is always wearing nice clothes and getting all the ladies? How about you try this prank on him...
There are hundreds and hundreds of pranks you set up or pull off at school, some are funny, some are messy and some are downright mean. This one has all of that. Whether you're the school prankster
In this video tutorial you will learn how to make a secret safe out of old DVD cases you might have lying around. In a way you will be recycling them and putting them to good use by making yourself a secret safe to store important valuables and that only you'll know they're there.
This is a prank me and two friends from my high school did this last summer. We went to Walmart to try pranking shoppers. In this video, we were throwing things in walmart. We took super soft stuffed animals (to make sure we didn't hurt anybody) and threw them over the aisle to try putting things in people's carts. If they didn't have a cart we'd try to land it close to them.
Have you ever had scrambled eggs covered in chocolate syrup? If you have—you need some help. Seriously. If you haven't, it's probably because it sounds absolutely repulsive. I know there's the whole salty and sweet thing, but that can only go so far.
Dupe your friends with this super simple prank. Trick them into holding a bowl full of water up against the ceiling with a stick. Then leave. They won't be able to move without dumping water all over themselves. It's a classic April Fool's Day prank, but can be done anytime you want to make your brother cry.