
Practical Jokes & Pranks

Join our Practical Jokes & Pranks World and learn how to… well… play practical jokes and pranks. We love a good trick, so if you've got a humdinger of prank, make sure to show it off for the rest of us pranksters.

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Apr 1, 2013

For this office prank, you'll need a pen, rubber band, marker, crazy glue and some fake blood. The first thing you'll need to do is take the pen apart and get rid of the ink. Next, you'll need to atta ...

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Apr 1, 2013

If you've been in college for more than a week and don't have the extreme good fortune of having your own room, you've probably seen a used condom that you really could have lived without seeing. Perh ...

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Apr 1, 2013

A sleeping prank victim is much easier to deal with than an awake one. They can't prevent the prank, and afterwards are usually too disoriented to respond violently with any effectiveness. This video ...

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Apr 1, 2013

In one way, this seem more like an artistic sculpture than a silly prank, but unless you're making food and drink art, this will always be a prank. Learn the spilled coffee prank, outlined in this how ...

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Apr 1, 2013

Call it what you will—puke, vomit, upchuck, barf, regurgitation—no matter what it's called, it always has the same sickening effect on people when they see it. Sometime it's like a yawn and can be con ...

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Apr 1, 2013

Here are three different methods you can use to make a stink bomb prank from things you can find around the house—just a pack of matches, an empty plastic soda bottle, and some household ammonia. Mix ...

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Apr 1, 2013

There are a lot of ways to booby trap a door, but this one might be one of the least offensive and most terrifying. This video will teach you how party poppers and a napkin will allow you to scare you ...

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Apr 1, 2013

The idea of blood pouring from a shower is terrifying, which makes it a great premise for a prank. This video will teach you how only an Easter egg-dying kit and a shower head can turn into an awesome ...

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Mar 29, 2013

There are a million things you can do with a few sheets of paper, from classics like an origami crane to a paper version of PSY that dances Gangnam Style, or even an M16 assault rifle. There's not muc ...

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Mar 7, 2013

Who doesn't love a good prank? Taking advantage of unwilling and gullible bystanders is an obvious recipe for success—and some hilarious amusement. One of the best pranks I've seen in a long time was ...