Pretty much anything in the world can be booby trapped and that includes deodorants such as Spray or Bars. It's so unexpected that it's the perfect prank. Check out the instructional video for instruc ...
There are many way to booby trap a bottle of diet cola, most of you already know the most common ones. Well here's another method of doing so, the result is the same. A BIG MESS!!! Watch the video tut ...
If you're the "FUNNY ONE" in your home then why not live up to it by pulling off these 3 simple practical jokes on family members! Not much is needed for these pranks. Just household items you already ...
If you need ideas for the upcoming New Year's Celebrations then you can try this out, Especially if you want to celebrate by making a lot of noise. Check out the instructional video for further instru ...
The worst thing to clean up is a broken egg on the floor, it's not only smelly but gooey too. Here's a really fun booby trap you can pull off at home using an egg, it will require the use of 2 magnets ...
Some parties may be so lame that only a good prank can make them more exciting. If that's the case then you can pull off one of these simple party pranks. All three are messy so be prepared to do a li ...
Work and School can be boring at times, that's why we do what we can to keep ourselves entertained. So I decided to come up with this funny prank so you can make school or work fun again. You will nee ...
Using the mechanism of a door knob you can easily set up this practical joke on friends and family. You'll need a piece string and some tape to pull this off. Just remember to have a spare key to be a ...
Here's a little booby trap you can try to pull off on a fellow family member or roommate. It's pretty simple even a child can do it, though it'd be hard for them to acquire a condom. Then again a cond ...