Practical Jokes & Pranks How-Tos

How To: 3 Pranks You Can Pull Off at a Party!

Some parties may be so lame that only a good prank can make them more exciting. If that's the case then you can pull off one of these simple party pranks. All three are messy so be prepared to do a little clean up afterwards. Two involve cups and punch and the last one involves a piece of pie. Refer to the instructional video for further instructions and demonstrations!

How To: Booby Trap a Clip Board at School or the Office!

Work and School can be boring at times, that's why we do what we can to keep ourselves entertained. So I decided to come up with this funny prank so you can make school or work fun again. You will need a water balloon and someone's clipboard which contains important documents! This is a very mean prank and can definitely get you in trouble so make sure you know what you're doing. Watch the video tutorial provided to get an idea of how to pull this off.

How To: Booby Trap a Can of Soup with a Condom!

Here's a little booby trap you can try to pull off on a fellow family member or roommate. It's pretty simple even a child can do it, though it'd be hard for them to acquire a condom. Then again a condom isn't necessary as you can substitute it with a balloon. Just follow the simple instructions in the video tutorial provided!

How To: The Milk Gallon Pranks

With just a piece of tape you can easily bobby trap a gallon of milk, you'll also need a cutting too but nothing more. The end result will either leave your friend wet or having to clean up a big mess on the table. Refer to the instructional video for further instructions!