All you need is a regular mechanical pencil and a bunch of staples. Then follow this short tutorial and learn how to turn your basic pencil into a staple-shooting gun. Make sure the pencil you choose ...
Toilets are some of the best prank aides, and this video will teach you a novel way to use them. All you do is connect the hose that fills the tank with water to another longer hose, then run it to un ...
Blue martini mix can make any party more festive and ravey, but can also be used for this great prank. Watch the video for a guide to using food coloring and blue martini mix to dye the mouths of mart ...
Many modern American women are fixated on cutely-shaped and fun-smelling soaps. Take advantage of that fixation by watching this video and then using a make-your-own-soap kit to make soaps that look e ...
Wasabi and Guacamole are two of the best condiments on Earth, and could even be great combined. But not in these proportions. This video will show you how to pull an awesome prank on someone with only ...
Icy-Hot has relieved and caused intense pain for decades, and this is one of the best Icy-Hot pranks we've ever seen. All you need is a victim who uses body wash regularly, some Icy-Hot, and a desire ...
Girls around the world bemoan their boyfriends constantly stealing their shampoo when they run out, and now it's time for payback. This video demonstrates a hair bleach and shampoo prank that will dev ...
For some reason most women favor white creamy deodorants. This is a disadvantage for women with prank-happy roommates and significant others who have seen this video. It will teach you how to pull the ...
For this tutorial, you will need the stapler you intend to booby trap and then a few paper party snaps. Open the stapler and put one or two party snaps inside. Then just sit back and wait for someone ...
It's been done before, but this Mentos and Diet Coke prank never gets old! Really— who knew those Mentos fresh mints and some acidic Diet Coke could create such an explosion? Astonishing. So, Nextrake ...