Mad at that co-worker who got the big promotion? Or just a little bored in the office? This step by step prank tutorial video shows how to pull a harmless practical joke on a co-worker by building a ...
Put a safety pin through your finger with no pain. You can scare and gross out everyone with this cool and easy practical joke. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks! ...
This could be a funny prank to scare your friends. This is very easy to do and you only need a few key items. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks! ...
Prank someone by rigging a bottle of Diet Coke into an explosive Coke and Mentos bomb. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks! ...
This guy tries to show you how to set yourself up to fart on command but he doesn't make it easy to follow. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks! ...
Air horns are extremely loud. That's why they're used by truck drivers, fire trucks and ambulances to clear the way in a hurry. This video will show you how to make your own air horn, using stuff you' ...
The materials you will need for this rank are an egg, and a door, and a foolish person. You should pretend that you are doing a magic trick and then get them to hold the egg through the crack in the ...
This how-to video will teach you how you can create a sound effect much like that of breaking glass. You can make your unsuspecting victim think that you broke a glass or that you broke something made ...
Nuggeting is a popular craze hitting schools everywhere. It involves stealing a backpack, removing the contents, turning it inside out, and replacing the contents. The victim will soon find that the ...
Watch this video to learn this funny prank to play on your friends. This is highly recommend for college kids. It's good to use in the office on a coworker, your boss, or on your roommate. This is a ...