If you want to scare the living daylights out of your friend, check out this next prank tutorial. In the video, you'll find out how to perform the fake car crash prank. It involved using some big spea ...
If you want to play a prank, why not do it to people you don't know. Not only will they not suspect a thing, but their reactions can be very funny to watch. That's the case with this next video tutori ...
This next tutorial is a classic prank that is easy to perform and will trick everyone around your car. It involves leaving a bag full of groceries, items, goods, whatever on top of your car and drivin ...
If you're interested in performing a very cruel, but cool and bloody prank this next tutorial is for you. In this Texas Chainsaw Massacre prank, you'll be cutting off your legs and producing a whole l ...
For this next prank tutoril, you'll be finding out how to give someone a prank tire, without having to poke a hole in the tire. It involves putting an object inside the cap of the bike's tire. This is ...
If you're interested in getting someone back or just would like to play a nice little prank, this next video will show you how. In this tutorial, you'll be performing a car prank involving the car's e ...
If you are interested in performing some easy and harmless pranks then you will want to check out this next video. In it, you'll find out how to spill a glass of water on someone, mess up a person's b ...
If you've ever heard of the Yes Men, then you know about some of their most famous and awesome pranks. These guys have done so much and have tricked so many people in the past decade. From tricking pe ...
Do you want to look like a high roller the next time you're playing the slots at Mandalay Bay? Then checkout this awesome coin roll trick that's impressive for gamblers and magicians alike. The coin ...
Kipkay is at it again with his pranks. In this video, he shares four fun and easy pranks that anyone can do to drive their friends (or victims) crazy! Their all very simple. They include a cell phone ...